Super Natural Fix
Offering a dose of supernatural and natural insight to help inspire change and motivate you to take action in your life. Alex & Steph are here to share the things they have experienced and learned through their journey in this life and possibly many others. This insight comes from a mix of combined years of experience in different realms of coaching and spiritual work and from learning things the hard way - by screwing up and learning the "fixes". These two spirits are on a collective quest to experience and share all things metaphysical and physical and through these experiences they hope to bring greater peace, love and joy to their lives and the lives of all they connect with. This podcast will take a deep dive into topics rooted in the supernatural and the natural to uncover how to heal the body, mind and spirit, do "the work" and find the love for ourselves to achieve all it is we desire. Join Alex and Steph weekly for your Super Natural Fix.
Super Natural Fix
Working Through Anxiety
In this episode, Steph and Alex talk about different ways of working through anxiety.